Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry 

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon, an element that forms a strong chemical bond with other carbon atom and also with many other elements like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and the halogens. Due of its versatility in forming covalent bonds, more than a million carbon compounds are known.
The central theme of my approach to organic chemistry here in this website will be to emphasize the relationship between structure and reactivity. My teaching philosophy is to emphasize mechanism and their common aspects as often as possible and at the same time to use the unifying features of functional groups as the basis for most of the topics in organic chemistry. The structural aspects of my approach shows a student what organic chemistry is. Mechanistic aspects show students ‘How It Works’.
Yu can make an intuitive sense of mechanism only when you have solid understanding of structure.-of Hybridisation, steric hindrance, electronegativity, polarity and formal charges. 

Chapter 1  Reaction Intermediates
Chapter 2  Stereochemistry
Chapter 3 Acids and bases
Chapter 4 Aromaticity
Chapter 5 Hydrocarbons
Chapter 6 Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution reaction
Chapter 7 Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution
Chapter 8 Rearrangement Reaction
Chapter 9  Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution
Chapter 10 Elimination reactions  
Chapter 11 Name Reactions - Mechanism and Applications     
